just the lip

I love looks that call out one feature and leave the rest of the face natural.


Especially when that one feature is the lips, and especially when those lips are red.



I keep tweaking my new haircut, making micro adjustments. This is the haircut that never ends.


Charlotte Tilbury So Marilyn lipstick over MAC Brick lip pencil. I find Brick to be so versatile. It’s one of only two red lip liners I have (I have a more cherry one as well from it Cosmetics) and I use it for basically every shade of red. Going crazy trying to match lipstick to liner seems completely unnecessary to me, though this may be because I color the whole lip in with the pencil, not just the edges, and I’m always blending the edges out anyway, just to get the shape and gentle haze I want.


I do have foundation/blush/bronzer here, but with a very light hand, just enough to take the edge off the red, so it isn’t too stark, and only a light lashing of mascara.


J Crew tee, marabou jacket (thrifted), Coach knee-high boots (thrifted), Express jeans. I am loving this marabou.




long day

OK, it’s freezing out, too cold to ride my bike, I work nonstop these days, I’m out of peanut butter, and I have two (TWO!) gigantic blemishes on my chin, which are just astonishing in their size and projected lifespan.* I have to tell you, it is depressing.

*I know they are normal, pimples, common to the species, and I am still as lovable as before, which is I think moderately lovable, and my various skills are unimpaired, but few things put me in a worse mood. And they are not beautiful. I am still here and there beautiful, now and then beautiful, but it is clearly in spite of them.

In honor of these things, and so many more, late Monday post!




Coat. Scarf. Etc. MAC Rebel lipstick, though it’s coming off more pink here than it is in person, really it is more raspberry. I like.


I’m going to watch Downton Abbey now.
