on the street: the hooded cape


A charcoal heather tweed hooded cape at that great upper-mid thigh length.

I think we also have some fingerless leather gloves going on here, and a recent trip to Benefit*. I approve all around.

*And, by chance, some of the least flattering backdrops Back Bay has to offer. I kind of like the alley/dumpster backdrop, though. There’s a weird contrast there. I’m also kind of liking how only her knee is in focus. 


OK, so, yes. There is something not quite convenient about capes and cloaks. Less flexibility of movement, sometimes, not so warm as a snug design, can be awkward to carry bags, especially if you like to make use of your shoulders, etc. But it is easy to throw them on over a bulky sweater, or over another jacket for that matter, and I find them well suited to the transitional seasons when it’s cold enough to need some kind of outerwear but not quite time for a hat and gloves. And just look. All of the cons are like so many puffs of smoke when you see one in action. Especially, especially one with a hood. Which I want now very much.