acquisitions: business cards. real ones.

How else will people know I mean business?

In case there was any doubt, I got the “executive” cards, with raised ink.


[I am actually totally pleased, and think the raised ink gives a great, polished look.]


And now I have a use for this lovely antique cigarette case.


all about: Revlon Kissable Balmstains



ASIDE from the cap falling off and one pencil staining a bunch of my makeup pink, I love these things.

This is the shade Lovesick, a proper bright pink. I was wearing the burgundy Crush all winter, which gives an ideal been-eating-berries look. Let’s see…I’m wearing it here. The stain is quite mild, which is good – stronger stains can be patchy and problematic, difficult to work with (looking at you, Stainiac).  Effortless to apply and great for providing that imprecise haze of color I sometimes want. Nice mint scent, blah blah, whatever. You can look it up. Here is a thing I like!

When it warms up a bit more I’ll go for the orange shade, Rendezvous. We’ll talk about orange lips later.
